So far, my career has been good. I’ve had a lot of successful gigs here and there, I’ve gained a lot of friends through multiply,friendster,myspace and even became a Rockeoke idol finalist. But I can’t help but still feel this void in me. Don’t get me wrong, everything is great. But you see, all this time I’ve been doing these things hoping that my father will find me. But still, it hasn’t happened.
Last week, a friend of mine told me he saw my dad in the Emmy’s.. I was excited to hear the news and hurriedly went online to search for the video of my dad. Finally, I found it! It was kind of a bittersweet experience for me to watch him perform. I’m sad because I miss him a lot and because of the thought that there are thousands of miles between us, but I was happy to see that he still got it. He was able to perform with the great Josh Groban. I was proud of him.
I haven’t lost hope. I know we will eventually find each other. Maybe not now, but someday..
VIDEO http://gorgoro.multiply.com/video/item/42/My_dad_the_EMMYS_with_Josh_Groban