I attended the Deeper Luxury Talk by this guy from UK Dr. Jem Bendell. His report evaluated the environmental and social record of some of the worlds top brands including LOréal, Hermès, Tods, Tiffany & Co and Swatch, and the like.The provocative report challenges luxury brands. SPLENDID! Isn't it? Truly, I support WWFs advocacy on the importance of sustainable consumption. If you would want to learn more about Deeper Luxury, visit www.deeperluxury.com
Last saturday, me and my bandmates decided to hit the the studio to record "Basura" (our fifth recorded song so far.)Jeng has a fractured middle finger but she still insisted to record the bass tracks.We also started recording "Cannonball" drum tracks and bass tracks.Hoping to release the album late 2008 or early 2009.
I'm a struggling musician.
I think I got my passion for music from my Dad, he is a famous international drummer. Way back 1982, when he first visited the Philippines as part of their band's World tour and after this Big Night at Olongapo, he had a one night shot of joy with my Nanay. He went back to the States and my Nanay was left with no idea that this drummer got her pregnant. After 25 years here I am..singing songs..making music...and waiting for my Dad's recognition. My father's name is Animal..
After months of trying to find my dad in the world wide web, 5 humans decided to help me out in my quest. We then formed a band named after me, Gorgoro in the hopes of my dad hearing about me. These 5 humans are not new in the Philippines' music industry, and they are:
JENG TAN - BASS ( also from Pin-up girls )
BILLY REYES - GUITARS ( also from Stonefree )
MANIX ABRERA - GUITARS ( comicbook artist,Phil. Daily Inquirer )
MEH REYES - ( also from Matilda )
JOVI REYES - ( also from Matilda )